Monday, July 09, 2007

Bossy people

How not to be stressed if you were to have a super bossy mother like mine?? Never mind the many times that I have been told off by her in front of my kids what to do and what not to do, because her tongue slashing at me merely takes off at her home. "Well, it's her home what, she calls the shot", lamented myself and I can fairly accept that.

But, to come to my house and bosses me is just downright maddening! I can accept it if Iam still young and maybe single, but I AM NOT!!

So, yes she has done it yesterday in my house. It's not her first but far worst. If you can visualise how a balloon when blown to a far bigger size, its consequence will be an explosion. This balloon theory applies to me perfectly yesterday.

My infuriation may have made me confronted her but I do not feel any sense of triumph at all. I feel so defeated.

note: the following link is to serve as a constant reminder not to be "hooked" by bossy people

1 comment:

Meor@Maru said...

hi again... I also had a very bad experience with bossy people...
Bossy people thinks that they know all... But in actual fact, they know nothing...